News & Insights

5 Reasons to Love Print

01 February 2024
By Kim Sullivan

Print is a unique, powerful and effective channel of communication.  With Valentine’s Day this month, here are our top five reasons to love print:

  1. Print is sensual
    Print is unique as it is a media that you can see, feel and even smell. In psychological experiments, people value something they can see and touch 24% more highly than something they can only see1.
  2. Print is memorable
    In Kantar Media’s TGI survey, 80% of respondents said that they can remember seeing or reading advertising mail sent to them in the last 4 weeks2.
  3. Print is trustworthy
    Between 7 and 8 out of 10 people think print is twice as trustworthy as its closest rival- email- as well as providing better personalisation and content than any other medium3.
  4. Print is sustainable
    Three to four trees are replanted for every one tree logged in managed forests. European Forests have actually grown by 30% since 19504.
  5. Print increases ROI
    A BrandScience analysis of 500+ European cases shows that, in case of FMCG, TV’s ROI increased with 61% when used in combination with print advertising and 57% with the combination of TV and print media.

Print is a true craft. Achieving the subtleties of finish and finesse still calls for extreme skill of hand and eye, with genuine care in the process.  The creative agencies and luxury brands that repeatedly trust POSITIVE+ with their most important work all crave this craftsmanship.

Call us today on 020 8544 5500 or email to discuss your next campaign.


  1. Royal Mail Market Research
  2. TGI Kantar Media
  3. Two Sides
  4. BPIF UK Printing Facts & Figures.
  5. Power of Print
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